Annali da Samarcanda
Alberto Marnetto's Notebook
About me
2025-02-06 : How to ruin your site reputation in two easy steps (part 1)
2025-01-12 : Windows 95 and a Bizarre Case of Font Drag and Drop
2024-12-20 : The Big Map of Cologne Parking Meters
2024-12-20 : Die große Karte der Kölner Parkscheinautomaten
2024-11-28 : 800% Detail: Tweaking Stunt Island’s 30-year-old 3D Engine
2024-11-15 : An Elegy to Stunt Island
- Namensmeister : learning app, guess gender and plural of German names
- multidim : C++ utilities for multidimensional containers
- Beltempo : A hybrid raster/vectorial image editing program, similar to Shutter’s edit mode. C++/Qt (Verdigris). Currently on hold
- Stunt Island 8x detail patch : Mod for Stunt Island (Disney, 1992), a flight simulation and filming game
- Stunts 1.1 mods : Mods for Stunts (DSI, 1990), a racing game also known as 4D Sports Racing